Effective Code Review Practices: Considerations and Examples with JavaScript

Effective Code Review Practices: Considerations and Examples with JavaScript


3 min read


Code review is an essential practice in software engineering that helps ensure the quality, maintainability, and efficiency of code. By having peers or experienced developers review your code, you can identify potential bugs, improve code readability, and promote best practices. In this article, we will explore key considerations and provide JavaScript examples to enhance your code review process.

  1. Code Style and Consistency :

Consistent code style is vital for readability and maintainability. Establishing coding guidelines, such as naming conventions, indentation, and whitespace usage, is crucial. During a code review, pay attention to adherence to these guidelines, and ensure that the codebase follows consistent patterns. Here's an example:

// Inconsistent naming
const a = 10;
const b = 20;
const addTwoNums = () => a + b;

// Consistent naming
const num1 = 10;
const num2 = 20;
const sum = () => num1 + num2;
  1. Error Handling and Exception Handling

Robust error handling is fundamental for writing reliable software. Check that exceptions are handled appropriately and that error messages provide clear information to aid debugging. Look for instances where error conditions are ignored or not properly addressed. Consider the following example:

// Insufficient error handling
try {
  // Some code that may throw an error
} catch (e) {
  // Empty catch block without any error handling

// Improved error handling
try {
  // Some code that may throw an error
} catch (e) {
  console.error('An error occurred:', e);
  1. Performance and Efficiency

Code efficiency impacts the overall performance of an application. During code review, analyze algorithms, data structures, and repetitive operations to identify potential performance bottlenecks. Look for unnecessary loops, redundant calculations, or inefficient API usage. Here's an example:

// Inefficient loop
for (let i = 0; i < array.length; i++) {
  // Some code

// Improved loop
const length = array.length;
for (let i = 0; i < length; i++) {
  // Some code
  1. Security Vulnerabilities

Code review provides an opportunity to identify security vulnerabilities. Look for potential risks such as SQL injection, cross-site scripting (XSS), or insecure data handling. Consider the following example:

// Potential XSS vulnerability
const userInput = '<script>alert("Hello!");</script>';
const message = 'Welcome, ' + userInput + '!';

// Safer alternative using proper sanitization
const sanitizedInput = DOMPurify.sanitize(userInput);
const message = 'Welcome, ' + sanitizedInput + '!';
  1. Code Duplication and Reusability

Code duplication can lead to maintenance challenges, bugs, and increased development time. Encourage the reuse of code by extracting common functionality into reusable functions or modules. During code review, identify duplicated code blocks and suggest improvements. Here's an example:

// Duplicated code
function calculateSquareArea(side) {
  return side * side;

function calculateRectangleArea(length, width) {
  return length * width;

// Improved code with reusable function
function calculateArea(length, width = length) {
  return length * width;


Code review is a collaborative process that ensures code quality, readability, and adherence to best practices. By considering code style, error handling, performance, security, and code duplication, you can significantly improve the overall quality of your codebase. Remember, the goal is not only to identify issues but also to provide constructive feedback to foster continuous improvement.